Montag, 30. März 2009

3rd Tokyo Rock Night - Wuppertal (Germany)

The JRock and Visual Kei circus is this time to guest on the Anime and Manga Convention ConTopia in 2009 in Wuppertal to fit with loudspeakers You as usual after the concerts of the volume GPKism (Japan) and Kogure (Germany) till the morning hours with the best in Japanese rock and Visual Kei!

Datum : 08.05.2009

Zeit : 15:00 / 3 p.m.

Preis : 5 Euro (Friday only)
Die Börse
Wolkenburg 100
42119 Wuppertal

15:00 Uhr - Einlass
16:00 Uhr - GPKism
17:00 Uhr - Visu Cosplay
19:00 Uhr - Kogure
21:00 Uhr - Tokyo Rock Night mit DJ Kei
All Rights Reserved.

mata ne


Sonntag, 29. März 2009

kibofm at

In the magazine peach I have read an article to an Internet radio station called "kibofm" ( and I thought I sound the transmitter sometimes.
The program exists of different broadcastings like " Nippon of rock ", " Kokoku of news ", "Jimoku" and "Asian Lifesyle".
The broadcastings are emitted on Mondays to on Thursdays and on Sundays From 17.00 o'clock to 22.00 o'clock and on Fridays and on Saturdays From 17.00 o'clock to 0.00 o'clock.
Besides, there is one more chat in one music wishes can express and a lot more ^ _ ^, because it this program is first, however, to him 10th March gives all that is still in the initial stage, but by now a fun the transmitter is to be sounded!!!!
Beside Japanese music Japanese and German Animemusik is also emitted.
The presenters are German people, hence, it is spoken there also in German.


o-yasumi nasai ^o^


Major-Single from Versailles

Now Versailles are, as everybody knows, with alerter Music Japan under contract and will put on the market her first major's single on the 24th June. "MASTER ASCENDEAD" should be - a little unexpectedly - a 6-minute, epic work and appears directly in four different versions. Three get away with bonus DVDs which contain in each case a part of a music video 15-minute all together. One gets the whole video if one acquires type A, B and C who limits itself to a version, may see at least five minutes.

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