Montag, 30. März 2009

3rd Tokyo Rock Night - Wuppertal (Germany)

The JRock and Visual Kei circus is this time to guest on the Anime and Manga Convention ConTopia in 2009 in Wuppertal to fit with loudspeakers You as usual after the concerts of the volume GPKism (Japan) and Kogure (Germany) till the morning hours with the best in Japanese rock and Visual Kei!

Datum : 08.05.2009

Zeit : 15:00 / 3 p.m.

Preis : 5 Euro (Friday only)
Die Börse
Wolkenburg 100
42119 Wuppertal

15:00 Uhr - Einlass
16:00 Uhr - GPKism
17:00 Uhr - Visu Cosplay
19:00 Uhr - Kogure
21:00 Uhr - Tokyo Rock Night mit DJ Kei
All Rights Reserved.

mata ne


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