Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2009

On the side JaMe I have found a new interview of Girugämesh.

Interview with girugamesh in Saint Petersburg, Russia

interview - 25.05.2009 01:01

author: NirVanKa

On the 8th of May the band answered questions from A to Z about girugamesh during their recent European tour.
© JaME
During their recent Europe tour this May, JaME met up with girugamesh again, right before their very first concert in Russia. Drummer Яyo and bassist ShuU shared their time with us to reveal all the secrets of girugamesh from A to Z.

ALIVE. Please tell us about your new song.

Яyo: It’s a very powerful song with a lot of digital sounds in it. And it’s easy to remember.

Believe. What you believe in?

Яyo: I believe in my own talent.

Crazy tour’09. How do you feel about touring?

ShuU: For us, touring isn't a pain, it’s just like a hobby. That’s why we enjoy it and why it’s not so hard for us to tour without any breaks.
Яyo: During the recording process I even sleep with my drums (shows how he sleeps).

Delicious. What's the most delicious thing that you’ve ever tasted?

Яyo: Ramen in one Japanese noodle shop in my city.
ShuU: Dumplings.

Europe. What are your impressions?

Яyo: There are a lot of brown buildings, buildings with brown roofs. When I saw it from a plane it was all brown.

Future. How do you see the future of girugamesh?

ShuU: Our future is like this… we will keep going and keep creating music together.

girugamesh. Please tell us something interesting about your band.

ShuU: Яyo hits Satoshi all the time because Satoshi is very lazy (laughs).

JaME would like to thank Twisted Talent, Squall and girugamesh for making this interview possible.

You can read the rest on the side of JaMe; D

All Rights Reserved.

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Montag, 30. März 2009

3rd Tokyo Rock Night - Wuppertal (Germany)

The JRock and Visual Kei circus is this time to guest on the Anime and Manga Convention ConTopia in 2009 in Wuppertal to fit with loudspeakers You as usual after the concerts of the volume GPKism (Japan) and Kogure (Germany) till the morning hours with the best in Japanese rock and Visual Kei!

Datum : 08.05.2009

Zeit : 15:00 / 3 p.m.

Preis : 5 Euro (Friday only)
Die Börse
Wolkenburg 100
42119 Wuppertal

15:00 Uhr - Einlass
16:00 Uhr - GPKism
17:00 Uhr - Visu Cosplay
19:00 Uhr - Kogure
21:00 Uhr - Tokyo Rock Night mit DJ Kei
All Rights Reserved.

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Sonntag, 29. März 2009

kibofm at

In the magazine peach I have read an article to an Internet radio station called "kibofm" ( and I thought I sound the transmitter sometimes.
The program exists of different broadcastings like " Nippon of rock ", " Kokoku of news ", "Jimoku" and "Asian Lifesyle".
The broadcastings are emitted on Mondays to on Thursdays and on Sundays From 17.00 o'clock to 22.00 o'clock and on Fridays and on Saturdays From 17.00 o'clock to 0.00 o'clock.
Besides, there is one more chat in one music wishes can express and a lot more ^ _ ^, because it this program is first, however, to him 10th March gives all that is still in the initial stage, but by now a fun the transmitter is to be sounded!!!!
Beside Japanese music Japanese and German Animemusik is also emitted.
The presenters are German people, hence, it is spoken there also in German.


o-yasumi nasai ^o^


Major-Single from Versailles

Now Versailles are, as everybody knows, with alerter Music Japan under contract and will put on the market her first major's single on the 24th June. "MASTER ASCENDEAD" should be - a little unexpectedly - a 6-minute, epic work and appears directly in four different versions. Three get away with bonus DVDs which contain in each case a part of a music video 15-minute all together. One gets the whole video if one acquires type A, B and C who limits itself to a version, may see at least five minutes.

All Rights Reserved.

Samstag, 28. März 2009

An Interview with Gan-Shin Records about the J-Rock in Germany

I have found an interview with the label Gan-Shin Records in about that is spoken that the Japanese music (especially J rock) conquers Germany.

J rock? For a lot of one more foreign word in this country. Rock from Japan? Is there this generally? And how should to the devil this sound?

However, above all in growing Manga-and Animeszene the hard sounds from Japan take pleasure since fairly long time of big popularity. The newly founded label Gan-Shin has come along it now to the task to get rock from the land of the rising sun to Germany and, in the end, Europe and to do accessibly to a wide audience. Sold off concert halls of tape like you En Grey agree with them, on this occasion.

In an interview Deville stack of Gan-Shin explained to us, why J rock should not remain a foreign word in Germany furthermore and information about the purposes and ambitions of Gan-Shin Records gives us.

Let me at first ask: How and was when your label Gan-Shin founded? What can they say to us closer in addition? How does one have the idea to found a label for Japanese rock?

Deville Schober:
Gan-Shin Records in July, 2005 founded. How it came to the label: Deville Schober, manager of Brainstorm music marketing was within the scope of a meeting in Munich and has seen there by chance D ` espairsRay poster. Because the tape was absolutely unknown to him, he has sent a Brainstorm to talent scout to the concert to Berlin. The feedback of the scout was extremely positive. As a result a meeting with the organizer of the concert Neo Tokyo was attached. With this meeting Brainstorm of Neo Tokyo in the Visual Kei, J rock became a scene sent. The information was for us very much, very full of suspense. Because Brainstorm belongs to the biggest German rock doctorate-Companies and disposes of a 15-year-old experience in the marketing of tape, we to look came for the decision from now on after the marketing Japanese Acts.
Fakt: We found together with Neo Tokyo a label and catch to interesting tape from Japan in Germany / Europe to market.

By which explain you yourselves the growing inquiry of J rock in Germany? Do they see a direct connection with the steadily zunhemenden interest in Manga/Anime and therefore also J-Culture generally in Germany? How important is, on this occasion, the collaboration with professional magazines like the AnimaniA?

Deville Schober:
For it there are several reasons. Of course it has to do what with the Anime and Mangakultur and their growth.
The Fakt is important, however, also that Japanese tape travel now in Germany and with it also for the press are available. The media echo of the last months was fantastic and makes the Acts more known. We know that the Visus do not see so with pleasure because they are afraid that one takes away the scene from them. In addition the following: No Visu in Germany must be afraid, the real Visual Kei fans will have always the projection and are identical.
AnimaniA is an important cooperation partner for us, anyway, herewith we thank....

You can read the rest of the interview on but its in german ^_^

O-yasumi nasai minna-san


LM.C Interview at Anime Expo 2008

Fresh after their performance at Battle of the Bands at Anime Expo 2008 in Los Angeles, LM.C took a moment to speak with Jrock Revolution about their very first performance in the United States. Read more in this exclusive interview!

JRR: First of all, please start off by introducing each other.

maya: Ok, I’ll be introducing Aiji. He plays the guitar. We are from the same province, and we’ve known each other for a long time. He is a great senpai, and plays wonderful guitar.

Aiji: This is maya, he sings and generally does the vocals, MCs, and guitar as well. On the front end his part is to sing, but he does play the guitar on the backend. He is good at making the senpai buy him lunches/dinners. He is such a—

maya: Cute guy.

Aiji: Rather, he leads a “tanabota” life. Basically, he is a “lucky boy.”

(Group laughter)

JRR: This is your first time here as LM.C, welcome to the U.S. We’d like you to know that you are one of the most popular bands amongst the Jrock forum that people wish to see for a future Jrock Revolution Festival. You are very popular amongst our forum members.

maya: Really? I wasn’t aware of that. We’d love to if there’s the opportunity. We are quite booked this year, but America isn’t that far; it’s just about 10 hours of flight, so we could definitely come if there’s a chance.

JRR: When you formed LM.C, did you already taken into consideration that you would like to expand to the international arena?

maya: Yes, we did from the beginning.

Aiji: Yes.

maya: We wanted to start from Asian countries which are closer to Japan than America is, such as Taiwan and Korea. We talked quite a bit about going to those countries.

You can read the rest of the interview on ^ _ ^

Bye Bye


Miyavi live in concert at Anime Matsuri 2009

Anime Matsuri announces Miyavi live in concert at Anime Matsuri 2009. This marks Miyavi's first concert in Texas and the artist's management, PS Company, is putting together a special performance exclusively for the fans. PS Company has also made available a booth in the dealer's room which will carry Miyavi merchandise at a discounted price and limited merchandise from select artists such as alice nine., The GazettE, Kra, Kagrra, and many more.


Greetings from


A very good Video from want to take specially Gitarenunterricht, around sometime a few his melodies can play time. hope at every dull school hour for the fact that Miyavi comes to the class and searches you. °-°
... you in the middle of lessons suddenly miyavi shout ^^ * I, nevertheless, not *

... you fill with writing if to you in the lessons boringly is yours complete hand and poor with miyavi and then after lives comes and yours mutter you horrified what asks with you has never happened xD * it's never happend to me ^ __ ^ *

... you, as soon as a new Blogeintrag of him is outdoors, immediately the need has to want to embrace him.

The fact that are only a few examples what some fans write in such a way, then to most still really completed ideas arrive and one can laugh to himself before hardly hold ^ _ ^


mata ne


A very good Youtube-Video ^o^

I have found this video a few months ago with and I find it J rock fits really to us fans ^ _ ^


Mittwoch, 14. Januar 2009

Tickets for the concert in germany!!!!

From the 20th January the tickets can be bought for the Girugamesh concerts in Germany!!!!

Mata ne

Your J-chan